Kenneth John (Ken) Miller, age 57, died Thursday, June 30. Born September 26, 1953 to John Tuttle Miller and the late Gwendolyn Earl Morgan Miller, he spent his youth in Wilmette, IL with his siblings Carol (Gill), Jim, Lo (Lohne) and Amy. His wife was Cassie Phillips. They have three children, Chandler Tuttle (27), Travis Phillip (25) and Emily Suzanne (15).
I knew Ken and his parents, and family, mostly through a combination of gradeschool and Little League Baseball. The summers I worked as the Official Scorekeeper at Roemer Park, Ken's older brother JIm was the park caretaker. Both he and Ken would needle the hell out of me and try to distract me so that I'd get hopelessly lost in keeping proper track of who was or wasn't on the field at any given time, let alone outs or even innings. Ken was generous to a fault and had a taproot of kindness that ran very, very deep. We were never close friends, and I was, deservedly so, the butt of his jokes more often than not during those summers. But, like his parents and his siblings, he knew common decency and dignity and was both unabashed and unashamed to stand for both regardless of the circumstance. And he was never afraid to weild whimsy to subvert authority.
I knew Kenny and his family--particularly Lo, Jimmy and Amy and parents--well. Kenny and I went to Highcrest School and Locust Jr High together. Then Kenny went to NTW and we kinda lost touch. Kenny was a sweet, sweet guy, and funny. He also seemed profoundly kind and innocent. Like Bill Jennings said: perhaps generous to a fault. Kenny and I did a lot of stuff as kids with my sisters and his siblings: roaming the west Wilmette neighborhood on bikes, swimming at Mich Shores and then going to the Chatterbox, playing hearts, decorating eggs at Easter.... I remember Roemer Park too--eating rubber hotdogs with lots of ketchup and mixing every kind of drink from the soda fountain into one cup and slugging it down.
He and his family are a dear memory of childhood. Jennifer Allen
Connie Geocaris
Will (Bill) Jennings
I knew Ken and his parents, and family, mostly through a combination of gradeschool and Little League Baseball. The summers I worked as the Official Scorekeeper at Roemer Park, Ken's older brother JIm was the park caretaker. Both he and Ken would needle the hell out of me and try to distract me so that I'd get hopelessly lost in keeping proper track of who was or wasn't on the field at any given time, let alone outs or even innings. Ken was generous to a fault and had a taproot of kindness that ran very, very deep. We were never close friends, and I was, deservedly so, the butt of his jokes more often than not during those summers. But, like his parents and his siblings, he knew common decency and dignity and was both unabashed and unashamed to stand for both regardless of the circumstance. And he was never afraid to weild whimsy to subvert authority.
Jennifer Allen
I knew Kenny and his family--particularly Lo, Jimmy and Amy and parents--well. Kenny and I went to Highcrest School and Locust Jr High together. Then Kenny went to NTW and we kinda lost touch. Kenny was a sweet, sweet guy, and funny. He also seemed profoundly kind and innocent. Like Bill Jennings said: perhaps generous to a fault. Kenny and I did a lot of stuff as kids with my sisters and his siblings: roaming the west Wilmette neighborhood on bikes, swimming at Mich Shores and then going to the Chatterbox, playing hearts, decorating eggs at Easter.... I remember Roemer Park too--eating rubber hotdogs with lots of ketchup and mixing every kind of drink from the soda fountain into one cup and slugging it down.
He and his family are a dear memory of childhood. Jennifer Allen